Sunday - July 30, 2017
Four weeks ago today I was released from Emerg ... doing pretty darn good!
Four weeks ago today I was released from Emerg ... doing pretty darn good!
Looks like my pigment is coming back already!
Last set of pictures before I start using Skincerity
My arm hairs are growing back!
I was told that I am "almost completely healed" Off comes all bandages ... can start using coconut oil now to keep it moist.
The RN at the Community Clinic today said that I am healing quickly and that there is new skin already on the wound. I have a scheduled...
Another dressing change today at the Community Clinic. Peter has been here all week now and so he is playing chauffeur. Again, I am so...
Went for my first dressing change at the Community Clinic. They, too, were very organized. The RN Kathy was very pleasant and reassuring...
Spent a glorious day at 4:20 Smoker Rd. Man it was hot out! Michele came over for a visit and then I had to finally decide to head home...
Upon arrival at KGH Emergency Ward at 12:15am the very organized team undressed my wounds and cleaned me up again. Then after wrapping me...
Peter and I were hanging out at 4:20 Smoker Rd enjoying a beautiful night under the stars while celebrating Canada's birthday, when all...
A few days after that big ass needle, and for a few days, my stool was very dark molasses coloured but normal texture. Daily.
Michele recommended that I go see her Naturopath Dr. Mel to see why my body has survived so long on less than no iron. Yesterday I had my...
Well, here we are. What do you want to think about today?